Tekijä: Tomas Westerholm

The use of BIM in renovations

Espoon Kulttuurikeskus

The role of BIM and reliable initial data (Applied BIM) has become a decisive factor in renovation construction. Renovation projects involve various unique characteristics – considering the structures to be preserved, the inadequacy of old plans, and unexpected challenges are just a few. Through building information modeling, potential risks can be identified in advance and solved before they become expensive and time-consuming problems.


Image of data models created for the design needs of Espoo Cultural Square, from above and below ground.

Image of renovation BIM model created for the design needs of Espoo Cultural Square, from above and below ground.

BIM modeling is not only the privilege of new construction but also an essential part of successful renovation projects. Renovation projects involve numerous risks, extensive problem-solving, and design issues that require individually defined and measured initial data for the site. 

Information modeling is a crucial tool during the design phase, and it helps mitigate surprises that lead to 

  • increased costs, 
  • schedule delays, and 
  • deterioration in quality. 


Image of the WDBE award-winning site coordination of protected structures and technical systems at Finlandia Hall.

Image of the WDBE award-winning site coordination of protected structures and technical systems at Finlandia Hall.

In renovation projects, the original plans and documents may be incomplete or outdated. Without reliable, BIM model-based initial data, plans cannot be coordinated with the structures to be preserved. This can lead to unexpected and costly problems as well as construction changes. For example, a simple mistake like a hole in the wrong place can cost thousands of euros to fix. 

The result of poorly dimensioned or inadequately coordinated plans may be, for example, construction changes that are costly and time-consuming. This can lead to extended costs for planned modifications and schedule changes, where, for example, a one-day delay can cost up to 6,000 euros in general site expenses alone. Information modeling helps identify and avoid these risks in advance. 

BIM models enable smooth collaboration between all project participants, such as designers, builders, and clients, leading to a more unified and efficient workflow. At their best, BIM models allow stakeholders to participate in the process without even realizing they are involved in building information modeling. 

The benefits of information models in renovation construction are significant 


Information modeling is not only a privilege of new building projects; it is also an enabler of successful renovation construction. New measurement technologies, such as laser scanning and photogrammetry, make it possible to document even complex starting data accurately, quickly, and in a format compatible with BIM models. Information model-based initial data help better understand the current state of the building and identify and assess potential problem areas that may arise during construction. 

With building information models, clear and unambiguous plans can be made that are understandable to all stakeholders. This leads to better quality, fewer design errors, and fewer changes during construction. BIM models help the project team plan a project that stays within schedule and budget. 

Major players like the City of Helsinki and Senate Properties have already made information modeling for renovation projects a standard practice. Information modeling is becoming more widespread among other actors, and the new Building Act, which comes into force on 1.1.2025, will bring information modeling into all construction. The new Building Act requires that building permit plans be submitted in BIM model format. 

“The building plans and special plans for the renovation and modification work of a building must be submitted to the building control authority in information model format or otherwise in a machine-readable form for the renovation and modification work.” 

The role of information models and digital initial data in renovation projects of heritage buildings 


In the renovation of heritage buildings, the importance of information models and initial data becomes even more pronounced. These buildings require special attention to preserve their architectural and cultural values. Information modeling and digital initial data allow for the detailed documentation of old architecture, which is necessary for considering the current state with the same precision in the plans. At the same time, modern technology, such as new HVAC systems, can be designed and integrated into the structures without disrupting the building’s historical value. For example, the architecturally significant Töölön Kesäkatu designed by Kurt Simberg was intended to retain its original appearance despite the renovation, even though the residential building needed to accommodate significantly more building systems. In such renovation projects, BIM model coordination and the measurement of reliable initial data are essential. 

BIM models play a key role in renovation construction. They provide an effective tool for risk management, improving design, and efficiently executing projects. Especially in the restoration of heritage buildings, information modelling is an invaluable tool that allows historical values to be preserved while updating the building to meet modern requirements.Contact us to explore what benefits high-quality building information modeling can offer you.

Viinikanlahti International Architectural Competition

Tietoa Finland revolutionizes urban planning by digitalizing – Now involved in the implementation of the idea competition for Viinikanlahti, Tampere

Innovative aspects of the idea competition for Viinikanlahti include presenting the most important source data with Weup air-map UI, the jury using electronic tools alongside traditional meetings, as well as returning the competition entries as 3D models on the second stage of the competition.

Tietoa Finland participates in the implementation of the idea competition for Viinikanlahti that has attrected international attention, by supplementing the Weup air-map used in the competition and by developing additional electronical tools for digitizing the traditional competition process. In the future, this development results in the possibility to implement a complete cloud service with a strictly limited title ”architectural competition”.

Scale models and drawings on paper have become out-of-date, which is why nowadays the designers are asked to present the designs in digital form. The Competition Toolkit™ developed by Tietoa solves significant problems of digitally implemented design competitions, such as using file formats that are incompatible with most common CAD software as well as presenting unstuctured and unnecessarily plentiful information. Judging tool™ simplifies the jury work by uniforming the visualization material of all competition entries as well as by a handy browsing tool. In the Weup airmap™ UI, designs can be viewed as zoomable 360° panoramic shots and as 3D models.

The potential of the tools developed by Tietoa is pretty promising. Please do not hesitate to contact. You will get the best solutions for your exact project. The experts and professionals are at your service.

https://viinikanlahti.weup.city/  ->  Weup air-map of Viinikanlahti
https://tampere.weup.city/viinikanlahti-competition   ->  Competition web page
https://www.tampere.fi/viinikanlahti  ->  City of Tampere web page

Read more about:

Competition Toolkit
Weup air-map
Judging Tool

Ask for further information:

Ilkka Terho
Director, customer relations

Tel. +358 40 506 9133


Geo referred high quality CAD data overlays on interactive 360 panoramas.

Automatic competition entry file management.

Judging Tool list view.

Weup air-map™

Tool for making building projects understandable



Weup air-map™ is a user interface made of high-resolution panoramic aerial photos. It works on browsers on all devices. The application allows a new way to navigate above the target area at the most suitable height for perception.

3D models of future buildings, traffic routes and area boundaries can be embedded in the aerial map with geographic accuracy. Images, text and videos can be linked with objects. Alternative plans can be compared, viewed in different directions and zoomed in. The user experience is easy and controlled.

Weup has proven to be an excellent tool for illustrating hard-to-understand projects. Professionals and laymen can easily communicate with a visually pleasing aerial view.

Use cases:

  • Source material for architecture competitions
  • Regional development and campus areas
  • Land use planning and zoning
  • Planning and documentation of building sites


  • Facilitates external and internal communication
  • Reduces resistance to change
  • Life-cycle thinking – upgradeable as the project progresses
  • Everyone understands the project easily

Ask for further information:

Ilkka Terho
Director, customer relations

Tel. +358 40 506 9133

Competition toolkit™

Playbook for architecture competition organizers



The revolution in 3D-modelling and BIM have opened new possibilities in design and visualization. However, at the same time it has made it difficult to organize competitions.

  • The source material is in miscellaneous file formats and it cannot be opened in the most common CAD software
  • Most city models only work in their own operating environments
  • Information is unstructured and unnecessarily plentiful
  • Receiving competition proposals is laborius
  • The work of the jury is difficult when the visualization material of the proposals is difficult to compare due to inadequate guidance
  • Further use and development of competition proposals is a separate stage of work


Competition toolkit™ is a “playbook”, from which you can buy the modules you need:

  • The Weup-airmap shows the source material embedded in panoramic images
  • 3D source material package: well prepared city model and other 3D materials in a form that actually opens in most common CAD software
  • Automated service for submission and receipt of competition entries
  • The jury can compare the entries with a fluent judging tool
  • Well-managed and co-ordinated competition material provides material for publishing and zoning – Life Cycle Thinking


Tietoa Finland Ltd. has 20 years of experience in visualizing competitions. Competition toolkit™ was gradually created to meet the growing need. To its current form, the tool has evolved in the Helsinki High-rise, Tampere Viinikanlahti, Helsinki Junatie and Helsinki East Urban Centre competitions. Realized benefits:

  • A well-prepared competition data attracts more participants
  • Competitors can focus on design when the output data is illustrative and pre-structured
  • The competition organizer saves time by automating the competition processes
  • The work of the jury will be made easier as the proposals have been instructed to be comparable and easy to read
  • Digital competition data reduces the need to travel to meetings
  • Not all suggestions need to be treated as physical posters, even the entire competition can be judged without complicated prints
  • Time saving also brings financial savings



Ask for further information:

Ilkka Terho
Director, customer relations

Tel. +358 40 506 9133

Glue monikäyttäjä-VR minimoi kokousmatkustamisen tarpeen

Etäläsnäolo 3D-mallien sisällä tapahtuvissa kokouksissa on vihdoin oikeasti mahdollista. Osallistujat esiintyvät avatar-hahmoina, jotka on toteutettu siten, että vuorovaikutus on aitoa ja luonnollista.

Rakennushankkeissa tämä mahdollistaa esimerkiksi virtuaaliset tietomallikokoukset ja rakennuksen tulevien käyttäjien osallistamisen jo varhaisessa suunnitteluvaiheessa. VR-silmikoiden luoma aito 1:1 mittakaava ennaltaehkäisee kalliita rakennusaikaisia muutostöitä. Silmikoiden käyttämisellä on tähänkin asti ollut kiistattomat etunsa, mutta vasta toimivan monikäyttäjäominaisuuden myötä kokemus muodostuu yhteisölliseksi.

VR-silmikoiden lisäksi kokouksiin voi osallistua kaikilla päätelaitteilla. Silmikkokäyttäjät voivat virtuaalikäsillään osoittaa, piirtää ja tehdä muistilappuja. 3D-objekteja, kuten kalusteita tai seiniä, voidaan siirtää kokouksen aikana.

Tietoa on Glue Custom Experience Lab-kumppani
Kysy lisää: 040 506 9133
ilkka.terho @tietoa.fi

Tripla – suuren rakennushankkeen havainnollistamisratkaisut

Helsingin kaupungin laajentumisen keskeisin piste 2020-luvulla tulee olemaan keski-Pasilan alue. Triplan kolmen korttelin kokonaisuus sekä eteläpuolelle kohoava tornialue muodostavat uuden tärkeän toiminnallisen keskuksen Helsingin ydinkeskustan kupeeseen.

BIM CAVE arkkitehdeille

3D-mallipohjainen ryhmätyöskentely keksittiin jo 1990-luvulla, mutta vasta nyt tarvittavat teknologiat ovat riittävän tehokkaita ja edullisia käytännön työskentelyyn.

Kauppakeskus Lippulaiva

Uudistettu 360-katselu tukee nyt myös silmikkolaitteita. Voit sukeltaa sisään suoraan uusiin tiloihin älypuhelimella ja 360-katselulaseilla.