Competition toolkit™

Playbook for architecture competition organizers



The revolution in 3D-modelling and BIM have opened new possibilities in design and visualization. However, at the same time it has made it difficult to organize competitions.

  • The source material is in miscellaneous file formats and it cannot be opened in the most common CAD software
  • Most city models only work in their own operating environments
  • Information is unstructured and unnecessarily plentiful
  • Receiving competition proposals is laborius
  • The work of the jury is difficult when the visualization material of the proposals is difficult to compare due to inadequate guidance
  • Further use and development of competition proposals is a separate stage of work


Competition toolkit™ is a “playbook”, from which you can buy the modules you need:

  • The Weup-airmap shows the source material embedded in panoramic images
  • 3D source material package: well prepared city model and other 3D materials in a form that actually opens in most common CAD software
  • Automated service for submission and receipt of competition entries
  • The jury can compare the entries with a fluent judging tool
  • Well-managed and co-ordinated competition material provides material for publishing and zoning – Life Cycle Thinking


Tietoa Finland Ltd. has 20 years of experience in visualizing competitions. Competition toolkit™ was gradually created to meet the growing need. To its current form, the tool has evolved in the Helsinki High-rise, Tampere Viinikanlahti, Helsinki Junatie and Helsinki East Urban Centre competitions. Realized benefits:

  • A well-prepared competition data attracts more participants
  • Competitors can focus on design when the output data is illustrative and pre-structured
  • The competition organizer saves time by automating the competition processes
  • The work of the jury will be made easier as the proposals have been instructed to be comparable and easy to read
  • Digital competition data reduces the need to travel to meetings
  • Not all suggestions need to be treated as physical posters, even the entire competition can be judged without complicated prints
  • Time saving also brings financial savings



Ask for further information:

Ilkka Terho
Director, customer relations

Tel. +358 40 506 9133