Tietoa Launches New Platform for Fast and Easy Online Review Process for Architectural Competitions

Tietoa Finland Ltd has resolved the pain of heavy PDF content in an architectural competition online. One single cloud-based platform enables seamless and effortless collaboration of jury and workgroup members during the judging phases. Tietoa’s solution brings together the best features of tested image delivery mechanics at backend, fast content delivery network and modern browsers. The city of Tampere used Tietoa’s Competition Cloud platform in the international architectural competition for the Viinikanlahti area.

A typical big architectural competition may receive hundreds of proposals returned in PDF format. Large and high detail vector drawings may grow to tens of megabytes, and the same happens with rasterized images if a high visual resolution is to be preserved. In worst scenarios, the good intention of moving to electronic reviewing method has turned against itself. Users have reported poor experiences with too massive to browse sets of large PDF file collections. 

Tietoa’s Solution Enables Fast and Easy Visual Review Process

That is why fast end easy visual review process is the critical success factor in the offering of total solution to the need for hosting architectural competition online. Bringing together the best features of tested image delivery mechanics at backend, fast content delivery network and modern browsers Tietoa has resolved the pain of heavy PDF content. 

Tietoa’s Competition Cloud platform has been designed to enable associations of architects, public authorities and other organizers of architectural competitions to benefit from a powerful centralized documentation process.  

The City of Tampere Tested the Solution With Good Results

Tampere is the third-largest city in Finland and the largest inland centre in the Nordic countries. Tampere is also one of the fastest-growing regions in Finland. As the population grows, there is an increasing need for new homes. The Viinikanlahti area will have been redeveloped and incorporated into the Tampere city centre. The district currently houses a wastewater treatment plant, which will be relocated. An open international architectural competition was held to have new ideas for the planning of the new residential area and green areas. Tietoa’s Competition Cloud platform was used in judging the architectural competition proposals.

Digitalization Provides New Opportunities to Create Built Environments

The open-minded, ambitious and trustful mindset of the city of Tampere public authority was the fundamental underlying force both pushing and enabling the research and implementation of Tietoa’s long term aim to digitalize nowadays architectural competition and go even beyond. Methods of acquiring architectural design of buildings and urban design are in transition. Information technology not only provides means to do things digitally but also opens up whole new opportunities to re-think, innovate and reorganize the processes of creating built environments. Tietoa has well-established capabilities of talent, technology and methods to co-create advanced solutions to architectural competition-specific customer needs.

Visit the Competition Cloud shop



More information

Tomas Westerholm
Head of Digital Solutions, Partner
+358 050 514 3390


About Tietoa Finland Ltd

Tietoa is a Finnish service company offering expertise for real estate and construction industries by producing applied reality, building information modelling and visualization services for construction projects.

Our services improve the fluency and productivity of real estate development, design, construction and marketing. We consult, coordinate, and train – with our help, projects run properly. We have been operating since 2000 and employ 30 top professionals.

That’s the Tietoa way of doing things.
